1 Comment

Once again, very well organized and presented. The case story beginning and transitions into the specific categories are well done. Coincidentally, my stalker was named Lisa. I'm pleased as punch to be in the 1-in-6 male category. I would like to get more details, usefully presented, about your own top stalker and the peculiarly specific behaviors she engaged with. This as a detailed case study, both for its prurient interest and more importantly the points that make up the general indicators of "Yo, you're being stalked: this is not a drill" would serve as unique aid in this area.

One final note. My previous professional information on stalkers and stalking are from "The Gift of Fear" - Gavin De Becker - and a friend with a background in forensic psychology. I have also personal acquaintances, all with horrific cases they deemed it worthwhile to share with me. From this little experience, I believe there is a need for your insights. Even the victims could benefit years later on reflection. I don't believe our society (do we even have one of those in this respect?) handles these social anomalies well at all.

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